3M™ Double Coated Tape GPT-020

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Providing versatility with purpose with the capability to bond to a wide variety of substrates from high to low surface.

High initial tack and humidity resistance

High level of peel and shear performance.

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  • Providing versatility with purpose with the capability to bond to a wide variety of substrates from high to low surface
  • High initial tack and humidity resistance
  • High level of peel and shear performance
  • High temperature resistance, providing full bonding performance: up to +190 ˚C short term, up to +90 ˚C long term
  • 200 micron thick

Designed for Versatility: 3M™ Double coated tape GPT-020P is a transparent, 200 micron thick, modified solventless acrylic adhesive with a white printed PCK paper liner. 3M GPT-020P combines a high level of peel and shear performance enabling high adhesion to a wide variety of substrates both to high and some low surafce energy substrates.

It offers high initial tack and humidity resistance. Providing high temperature resistance 190˚C short term and 90 ˚C long term.

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Παρόμοια προϊόντα

7100224321-3m-double-coated-tape-gpt-020f-100mm-x-50m-clop_R1.tif3M™ Double Coated Tape GPT-020
Συνολικό Πλάτος (Μετρικό) 15 mm, 38 mm, 12 mm, 1.540 mm
Συνολικό πάχος ταινίας χωρίς τον προστατευτικό φορέα (μετρικό) 0,2 mm
Υλικό υποστρώματος (φορέας) PET, Χαρτί
Χρώμα προϊόντος Διαφανές
Συνολικό Μήκος (Μετρικό) 50 m
Τύπος Κόλλας Ακρυλικό, Ακρυλικό Υψηλής Πρόσφυσης